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Posted by: Jonathon Fenton

hi good luck with your site hopefully you will have as many hits as i have. ive added a BIG link to you site so that it will help you reach you goal. il take a look around to see what its like you should look at mine im always updating it. email back. oh and my notice board is done manualy each week

Name: Rich Evans

Email: [email protected]

Comments: good site,definitely not as annoying as jono''s with all of his spelling mistakes. Some people may question your relationship/obsession with a monkey though!! haha

Name: JonathAn

Email: [email protected]

Comments: Its JONATHAN sort it out(hahaha) What there is a hole page devoteded to you! is that not big enough for you. What Else are you adding to your site? You should add a link to my notice board and share it. txt bk
